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Jana Tulum weiss Hintergrund.jpeg
Spiritual Mentoring
Timeline Healing   
Energywork   Psychic   Energyfieldcleansing   House- Landcleansings   Bodywork   Breathwork   Lifecounceling   Transformationcoaching   Medium 
Energywork with Animals   Animalcommunication

Since 20 years I have been helping people and animals to regain their strength and get past blockages. Be it that it is an emotional, physical or mental "blockage".

From my own experience in  journeying through the healing of a so-called "incurable" disease, I learned to trust deeply in the unshakable power of faith, to work with the body intelligence and the unique creative powers of the human being.


I work intuitively with many different techniques and abilities to unify and balance body, mind and the soul, resulting in the manifestation of harmony between body, mind and soul,  and therefore healing on all levels.

I guide people to reconnect with their true soul plan, their heart wishes and help them to manifest them.

I help people and animals to get through old so called "life patterns" and Traumas, also brought from other lifetimes to create a happy joyful, healthy life in the present.

One of my specialties is to clean the energyfields from attachments and entities. Also, since I see previous lifetimes, to help the people to clean up everyhting from other livetimes or parallell worlds that is still active but not needed for the soulpath anymore. 

Light prevails always!

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